Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Netherlands

Emissions data are reported in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC, 2006).
The indirect emissions are included in the table below. Emissions from Land Use, Land Use Chance and Forrestry (LULUCF) are not included.

Greenhouse gas emissions in Tg CO2-eq from 1990 - 2020, as determined in January 2022
Totals per gas 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
CO2 162,7173,0171,6177,4182,0164,6165,3162,9159,1153,5138,3
CH4 31,829,624,219,819,418,118,317,917,317,217,0
N2O 17,517,615,513,98,18,38,08,38,07,97,8
F-gases 8,510,16,71,92,52,01,91,91,61,71,3
Total 220,5230,3218,0212,9212,0193,1193,5191,0186,0180,3164,3