Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: ETS versus non-ETS

In the EU, (larger) companies must report their greenhouse gas emissions in the context of European emissions trading: the ETS system (EU Emission Trading).
This table provides an overview of the emissions per sector that are reported under the ETS. The remaining part per sector is therefore not covered by this ETS.

Greenhouse gas emissions in Tg CO2-eq from 2005 - 2020, as determined in January 2022
ETS total 80,476,779,983,58184,78076,486,989,194,193,991,487,483,774,1
non-ETS total 132,5131,1126,3122,1119,0127,3117,7117,1106,896,999,099,699,698,696,590,2
National IPCC total 212,9207,8206,2205,6200,0212,0197,7193,5193,8186,0193,1193,5191,0186,0180,3164,3